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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Jenna Matisz

Jenna Matisz

New Horizons Therapy
Registered Social Worker/Psychotherapist
Waterloo, Ontario
Highest Degree Held: MSW
Specialties: Eating disorders, Trauma, OCD
Types of Clients: Adults
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: 829167
ACT/CBS Background and Training: ACT for Beginners
ACT for Depression and Anxiety
ACT Immersion
Co-facilitates the Waterloo Region ACT Peer Consultation Group
Additional Information: Jenna works with individuals ages 16+ experiencing a wide range of mental health concerns. She specializes in treating OCD, trauma, and eating disorders and has a special interest in working with clients who are struggling with issues of overcontrol and self-worth.

Contact Jenna

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